Overall, I’m really happy with how this series turned out. I spent a lot of time making sure the AI images were just as I wanted them to be and I’m really proud of how cohesive the series is. The part that I had the most trouble with was the glitch effects. The part that I enjoyed the most was making the infinite zooms and I’m really happy with how they all turned out. Most of the AI prompts I used were something related to “being observed” or “the observer”. I think these prompts ended up giving me very interesting and cohesive results without being too similar. I really feel like each one has its own unique feeling to go along with it. I have never done infinite zooms or glitch effects before so it was really interesting to explore these different options and see what different results I could get. It was really fun to have complete control over the AI generated images and I spent a lot of time tweaking and editing the prompts to get the final images that I used. Overall, I enjoyed this project a lot and will definitely continue to play with these different effects in the future with my own personal projects. If I were to do this project again, I would definitely like to make one much longer infinite zoom and maybe connect it back so that it's a full looping animation as I think this would have improved the infinite zooms.
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